Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thoughts on Easter

I lay on my bed most every night and I think about ridiculous things. Tonight I'm thinking about my life and the social connections I have within it.

I was sitting outside of a restaurant today watching the people go by. I'm thinking to myself as I see this European woman in a nice dress "I wonder what her life is like?". I started pondering the billions of lives there are on this Earth. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm sitting in South Florida and I've been here almost a year. Born and raised in New Jersey, wondering what everyone else is up to. "I wonder if they have a nice family? I wonder if she does incredible things? I wonder if she has what I want?"

I wonder if I'm alone in this? Does that person have a wonderful, fulfilling life? In my head it always comes back to the same question. Does that person have what I want the most in this world? I tend to not be bitter or jealous about the subject. When I see someone that has that look to their face and that glow in their eyes... it's bliss.

Those are incredible people in my eyes.The kind of person that is just, content.. a dreamer, a wanderer, a lover, someone who can light up a room with their aura.

Though I can say I've learned something else in my time on this Earth.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Someone that I see this way, you may not at all. Admiration is a different shape and color for everyone. What I've come to hope for after realizing all this; is to fill my life with as many of these people as I can. When I think back it is these people who have made the deepest impact on my life. The one's I have the most vivid and exciting memories with. The people that have made me feel that "bliss"

That is all, good night. 

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